Environmentally certified products

Quality furniture designed and produced in Denmark

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Eco Label

The ECO LABEL certification program is designed to create sustainable solutions based on a life cycle assessment and a common goal of reducing the environmental impact of production activities or consumption of products. A product must meet strict requirements in all phases of its life cycle.
In addition, these requirements must be continuously addressed to create sustainable development.
What distinguishes the ECO LABEL label from other similar labels is that it is an official, independent and third-party certification program.

Consumers are more aware now and are therefore interested in where and how products are produced and delivered. If companies act responsibly in this regard, their overall credibility in terms of image and reputation increases. This has financial consequences for companies that do not respect their impact on the environment.

Today, in many markets, there is a strong consumer demand for high operating standards in terms of ethical behavior and environmental awareness. In this context, more and more companies are adopting a proactive environmental strategy and developing specific strategies for their environmental efforts. One way to be perceived as more environmentally friendly is to have different environmental labeling and certification programs and consequently different environmental certifications. ECO LABEL is such an environmental labeling and certification program.

In general, when developing eco-label criteria, the focus is on the stages where the product has the greatest environmental impact, and this differs from product to product. For example, in textile products, fabrics have strong environmental impacts in the processes in which they are dyed, printed and bleached. For this reason, criteria for textiles have been developed to ensure that damage during the production process is reduced as much as possible. In detergents, input materials (raw materials) used in production are one of the priority areas. Therefore, the criteria focus on the efficiency of energy consumption.

ECO LABEL certification criteria, It is developed transparently and revised when necessary. The ECO LABEL marking on a product means that this product has been approved according to a standard based on scientific studies. Although product groups and requirements are different, all standards address several environmental and health issues, including toxicity, air quality, energy and water consumption, recyclability, use of natural resources, etc.


The FSC certification for One Wood Furniture is a clear example of how highly we prioritize the environment and nature around us. Both our customers and One Wood should have reason to have a clear conscience when choosing One Wood furniture for the interior design of kindergartens and schools.

Good paper on our environmental concerns

With our FSC certification, we have good evidence that One Wood's production takes the environment into account - and that the wood we use is not harvested in a way that is problematic for the environment.

Facts about FSC®

FSC is an internationally recognized labeling scheme for wood and paper. It is a non-profit organization with no financial interests.
An FSC forest means a clear conscience, because animal and plant life are guaranteed to be protected. The people who work in the forest are also guaranteed training, safety equipment and decent wages.
Support from green organizations
FSC is the only labeling scheme that has the support of green organizations such as WWF, Greenpeace and the World's Forests.

We can make a difference

When OneWood has chosen FSC wood, it gives both you as a customer and us as a supplier an opportunity to make a difference.

For the forests that are so important in the earth's ecological balance.
For the animals in the forests in question, which are protected from logging.
And for the employees who work under far better conditions than in many other places in the world.

OneWood only uses FSC wood

OneWood only uses FSC-certified wood for our furniture, so both you as a customer and we as a manufacturer can have a clear conscience when we shop.

ISO 9001

An independent assessment and certification of your quality management system by DNV GL sends a clear signal to the market that we work effectively with quality. 

What is ISO 9001?

  • ISO 9001 contains a model for a quality management system. The model's focus on streamlining processes helps the company achieve desired results.
  • The standard promotes the implementation of a process approach that emphasizes needs, added value and efficiency, as well as continuous improvement through objective measurements.
  • Previous versions of ISO 9001 were tailored to the manufacturing industry and required extensive system documentation. The current version is more generic and can be used within all organizations regardless of industry, size and product type.

This will benefit your business

A certification in ISO 9001 demonstrates the Onewood organization's ability to meet the demands and needs of our dealers.

This results in:

  • Improved customer satisfaction and trust, which can lead to increased business
  • A competitive advantage as more and more companies require their suppliers and subcontractors to have quality management certification

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is the most widely recognized international standard for environmental management systems and is used worldwide. The standard can be applied across a wide range of industries and activities. The standard provides a framework through which an organization can deliver environmental performance improvements in accordance with environmental policy commitments.

The standard specifies requirements for how we proactively achieve the following intended results:

  • Identify and understand the company's environmental conditions and impacts according to the company's activities, products and services.
  • Understand how significant issues can be addressed, implement the necessary controls and set clear goals for improving environmental performance.
  • Determine the company's environmental policy and objectives.
  • Manage the company's obligations to comply with the relevant legal requirements, obligations to other stakeholders, and regularly check the status thereof.
  • Continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
    ISO 14001 uses High Level Structure (HLS) and is therefore easy to integrate with other management system standards.

Why does certification benefit your company?

There are numerous benefits to ISO 14001, but the most valuable standards enable your company to:

  • Build and operate an environmental management system within a well-defined and clear structure, which is also flexible in relation to your company's needs and expectations.
  • Have a tool for improving environmental performance means to effectively monitor and measure environmental performance.
  • Facilitate the reduction of pollution, waste generation and inappropriate discharges into the environment. This also includes environmental impacts related to the product from a life cycle perspective.
  • Improve the use of your resources, including your energy consumption, which can lead to a reduction in operating costs.
  • Meet environmental legislation and group requirements.